Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Test Tomorrow

We've got a test on Latin American history tomorrow. The focus of the test is how Europeans affected Latin America. We're creating a study sheet in class today. There are over 35 vocabulary concepts on the test. In class today, we're organizing the vocabulary words around these important people and groups: Cortes, Pizarro, Indians, Africans, Montezuma, and Atahualpa.

Monday, January 3, 2011

European colonization of Latin America

The link below is a summary of what the students will be expected to learn by next Tuesday.

We'll also be looking at the Benchmark scores for second nine weeks, and beginning some individualized review in week areas.


It's a new year, and I'm trying this again. I hope to do a better job by writing less but very frequently. I'll try to update 2 or 3 times a week.

We're going to begin by studying Latin America. Here's a brief overview of why this region of the world is called Latin America.
After viewing this, students should be able to do 3 things.
1. Explain where Latin America is.
2. Explain why it got the name Latin America.
3. Identify which two European countries were the main colonizers of Latin America.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

World War II test


SS6H7a, b, and c:   Explain conflict and change in Europe to the 21st century


1. Which of these lists is in the right order from first to last?

a.  World War I, Nuclear Weapons (Atomic Bombs) first used, Cold War, World War II

b.  World War I, Holocaust, World War II begins, Cold War

c.  Holocaust, World War II begins, Cold War, Nuclear Weapons (Atomic Bombs) first used

d.  World War I, World War II begins, Holocaust, Cold War



Causes of World War II

2. Which person was elected leader in Germany between World War I and World War II?


3. What was the name of the political party (group of people) that elected the German leader before World War II?


4. The Treaty of Versailles did two things that made Germans mad.  List one.


5. The Treaty of Versailles did two things that made Germans mad.  List the other one.


6. How did the Treaty of Versailles help cause World War II?







World War II

7. Which country started World War II?


8. Which country attacked the USA, which got the USA into World War II?


9. Which group of countries won the war?

   a. Axis   b. Allies   c. Central Powers    d. NATO


10. Did the Soviet Union win or lose in this war?


11. Did the USA win or lose in this war?


12. Did Germany win or lose in this war?


13. Which country dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki, which led Japan to surrender?


Effects of World War II-Holocaust

14. Which country was responsible for the Holocaust?

   a. U.S.A.  b. Germany   c. Soviet Union    d.  United Kingdom


15. About how many people were killed in the Holocaust?

   a. 60,000  b. 600,000  c. 6,000,000  d. 60,000,000


16. Which religious group was mainly killed in the Holocaust?

    a. Christians   b. Jews   d. Muslims   d. Hindus


17. How were people treated before being killed in the Holocaust?  Think back to the

     pictures we looked at.




18. About how many people were killed in total during World war II?

    a. 600,000  b. 6,000,000  c. 60,000,000  d. 600,000,000


Effects of World War II-the Superpowers and Atomic bombs

19. Which two countries had the strongest army, navy, and air force after World War II? 

      __________________ and ________________________


20. Which country was the first one to develop atomic bombs? _____________


21. Which country was the second one to develop atomic bombs? _____________


22. Instead of using planes to drop bombs, what new technology was developed by both

     superpowers that made it almost impossible to protect a country?


23. ONE atomic bomb could destroy

     a. a block    b. a small town    c. a city     d. a whole country


Effects of World War II-the Cold War

24. How many people were killed in the Cold War compared to World War II?

a. many fewer were killed    b. about half   c. about the same   d. many more


25. What was one country that was arguing during the Cold War?


26. What was the second country that was arguing during the Cold War?


27. Which country was split in half during the Cold War? Berlin was its capital city.


28. What was built in Berlin to keep people from escaping from the one side to the other side?


29. Which side had a communist system?  ___________________________


30. regular: Why was communism a bad thing?






30. gifted: What was the main idea of communism, and why was that bad?






31. During the Cold War, an "Iron Curtain" divided Europe.  One thing that means is that

     about half of Europe was controlled by the Soviet Union during the Cold War. 

     Which half?

     a. North   b. South    c. East    d. West


32. Most people in the U.S.A. were very scared during the Cold War.  Were they right to be

     scared?  Why or why not?






The end of the Cold War

33. Which country collapsed (fell apart), ending the Cold War? ____________________


34. Which big country was created out of this collapse? _________________________


35. Which European country, that had been divided in half, was put back together at the end of the Cold War?


36. Is there any danger today of the United States being attacked by nuclear missiles?  _________


Monday, October 12, 2009

End of the 9 weeks

I have to have all grades in by this Thursday. Last week we took a benchmark test, and the grades have gone back to the students. The average score was a B. If a student is interested in pulling up their grade there are some things they can do. I'm available before and after school for students to get help, and several students have taken advantage of that. I can also pull students out of their Connections classes to work on improving their grades.

For the second 9 weeks, we're beginning with some history. For the next 2 weeks we'll be working on 20th century Europe. This week we're studying how World War I helped cause the Russian Revolution and the rise of Nazism in Germany. Next week we'll be begin with the effects of World War II, and from there we'll go on to the creation of the European Union.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Religion in Europe

So far this year students have learned a good bit about the geography of Europe. We're now about to get in to some of the history. The history we study will be used to explain how Europe is today.

We're going to be studying the religions of Europe. Though there are many religions in Europe, Georgia expects students to know about Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. Georgia expects students to be able to "describe the major religions in Europe." Naturally students will bring their own views about these subjects to class, and sometimes they will share them. I won't be sharing my views about which religion is best, as its not my job to tell your child what religion they should practice.

Often these discussions lead to the role of government in controlling citizens' religious beliefs. If that happens, this gives me the chance to discuss some U.S. history, including the 1st amendment to the Constitution which prevents the government from "establishing" a religion and allows citizens the "free exercise" of any religion.

European Environment and Population

We had a test today over European environmental problems and population density in Europe. Later in the year we'll study Latin America and Canada, and we'll look at how these issues are relevant to those places. The test is below. I hope to get it graded this weekend, but it might be early next week before I get it back.