Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Comparing Russia and the U.K.


Essential Questions: 

How are Russia and the U.K the same and different?

How do their differences affect where people live and how they trade?


1. Location and physical features:  

Which continent is the U.K. in? ______________________


Which continents is Russia in? _______________________


Which country has more land to the North? ____________


Which country is an island? __________________________


Which country has rivers that run into the Arctic Ocean?




2. Size: 

Which country is small? _________________________________


Which country is one of the biggest in the world? ____________


3. Resources:

Which country has the most coal? ______________________


Which country has the most oil? ________________________


Which country has the most natural gas? _________________ 

Which country has more hydroelectricity? _________________


Which country has the most iron? ________________________


Are more of Russia's resources located in the East or West of Russia?


Are more of Russia's resources located in the North or South of Russia?


Effects of size, location, physical features, and resources.

1. Where people live:







2. How the countries trade:


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